Holy god.. I hope the elders don't get a hold of this one.
I used to get my skirt measured coming into the hall..
Now they'll start measuring men and women and see if that's right.
(could be alot of wife swapping involved in this one)
Special K
dr pawlowski from wroclaw university, poland, has found that the perfect height ratio to find your ideal partner.
aparently the man should be 1.09x taller than the woman.
this would give my ideal partner height at 5ft, which more than half of my girlfriends have been!!!.
Holy god.. I hope the elders don't get a hold of this one.
I used to get my skirt measured coming into the hall..
Now they'll start measuring men and women and see if that's right.
(could be alot of wife swapping involved in this one)
Special K
that's right folks, and sorry to get the hopes up of some, but, contrary to what you may have supposed by the subject heading, mr. & mrs. cheeses are off to vanuatu for a week of rest and recreation, leaving friday.. coinciding with our recent 28th wedding anniversary and my upcoming 50th birthday, we decided to flit off to a tropical island for a break of the mundane routines of everyday life.. you all be good (or evil, whichever way you want to look at it), and remember - cheeses is watching.
Hey cheeses and Mrs Cheeses
Wow.. what a Lu'au you two are gonna have
A recent question from readers in Watchtower says it's okay to go to a Lu'au now...(as if it matters, what they say)
so, have a great big Lu'au birthday and anniversary, too.
Best wishes
Special K
would you or have you used a blood tranfusion since you the left the wt?
i was wondering what your feelings are on it now
Welcome Smyler
Good question
when I was an active believing J.W. .. No, I most definitely would not have had a blood transfusion.
But now that I don't believe what the Jehovahs witnesses teach anymore
Yes, I would have a blood transfusion now.. to save my life.
Special K
i read a report in a science mag recently,.
it said that males who ejaculated more than six times a week in their teens to late 20s were less likely to get prostate cancer.
godalmighty - does this mean that being good boys now puts us at risk??.
You guys are just plain hilarious!!! ha. ha. ha.
special K
ten things to do at wal-mart while your spouse is taking his/her sweet time: .
1. get 24 boxes of condoms &randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.
2. set all the alarm clocks in housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.
Those are really funny!!!
Special K
i thought id give you an update re whats going on.
my qing the wts of recent has been very hard on my wife.
if i could, i would change my timing of doing so, but its just the way it has happened.
Hey winston
Man,, you held yourself up well, as well as the supporting of your wife while under fire.
It is true. These ones put in the positions of caring for persons in the congregation are alot of times... way out of their league and in alot of cases can do far more harm "to the depressed soul" than any good.
Your wife needs professional help and support....
and if I could could wish.. I'd wish for some help for you too.
In the midst of depression and suicide.. the key supporter of that person (which is you) also needs an outside supporter of his own.. to vent, and talk and not feel judged.
The thing you did throughout all that horrible meeting was show your wife.. who you love and who means the most to you.. and that was her.
That is a very powerful thing to feel from someone you love.. especially when they have slipped into a place where they have stopped loving themselves, and want to end their life..
You may be the one person who can show her that life is worth living.. because YOU BELIEVE THAT IS SO.
take care
and big hugs to you both
Special K
pork chop and in_between_days seem to think i am the only one on this board who is bitter and feels occasionally violent toward the borg...what do you think?.
i have been called low life scum because i made a comment (after being provoked) about not caring if all jws died of antrax.
honestly, there are days i really feel that way.
Hey ravyn,
As I wrote in a previous thread. I too, was at one time so angry, angry, angry.. and then bitter, bitter, bitter.
But, as I said, it almost consumed me and was destroying any relationship that I had with ones I still loved who weren't J.W.s
Fantasy's of killing them all JW's...is okay I suppose. Beating up your pillow is pretty good, and watching Rambo was good, and Terminator.. it helped the person inside of me use them as a catalyst to feel like I could be like terminator or rambo.
Now.. after all that.. and now that the bitterness is gone... I carry a 10 cent piece in my pocket, sometimes.
What that is for me is....the 10 cents represents all the emotional feelings I can have in one day.
That 10 cents includes all my anger feelings, all my happy feelings, my sad feelings.and any other feelings. ( I read about this in a book)
Now I make a choice and decide..Do I want to spend all my 10 cents on Anger today and then have none left for happiness until tomorrow. Well, not as often as I used to.
However, some times there are things I deem as justified, sooo...I spend all my 10 cents on anger because it deserved it.
I hope in my heart that on some of these days, your experiencing lately, that you can save just a little bit of your 10 cents for some happy feelings for you.
Either that or I'll just have to send you one of my Freekin' big Canadian Toonies (worth 2 bucks Canadian) ..so that you have some emotional moneyleft over.
Special K
i'm having a "minimus moment" - .
i've got meat loaf's new cd "couldn't have said it better" playing, and the question occured to me - i'm sure all of us recall some details of their first date - anyone out there brave enough to tell us about their experience?.
(with thanks to minimus for the inspiration).
My first date?
Let me think...
I was pretty young
I was with my mom in the grocery store. walking past all these things
apples, oranges, peaches.. and I said "mom, what is this thing"
she told me it was a date.. She bought me some,
The were sweet, gooey, a little sticky.. Aah My "first date". OOOh, the memories.
Special K
Hey you.
Happy Birthday to you,
And have a GREAT DAY!
Special K
i am spending about 2 to 3 hours every day reading all the posts,is it normal???????????
i'm just out of the jw addiction hope this is not a new one.
I'm not sure if it's normal or not..
But, are you watching 2-3 hours less of T.V.
Also, the forum forces one into a HLT, "Higher Level of Thinking"..
which most of the time, T.V. doesn't.
I consider my T.V. and my kids game machines as "Escape time, so I don't have to think time"
I consider my time on here as my "HLT time".
so.. what do you think?
Special K